About me

My personal website is not intended as a professional communication channel, but as a reference for my present and past activities. For those who want to know more about my current endeavours, I refer to my professional websites:

My professional and personal interests:

  • Responsible AI
  • AI Governance
  • Intelligent decision support
  • Intelligent interactive technology
  • User-centered design
  • Human-AI-Robot-Teaming
  • Value-sensitive design
  • Ethics and technology
  • Cognitive systems engineering
  • Socio-technical systems design
  • Design science and methods
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Board games
  • Video games
  • House plants
  • Wall / rock climbing
  • Sourdough bread baking
  • My cat, Jip

Present and past activities


Member of strategy team NLAIC (Netherlands AI Coalition)

The NLAIC Strategy Team consists of high level representatives from research and education, government, business, AI end-users and society. This team deals with strategy, policy and progress on critical issues and stakeholder management of the Netherlands AI Coalition.

Founder and Freelance Research Consultant at
Mooncake AI

As a freelance consultant I offer advice and training in the area of Responsible AI, taking into consideration future laws and regulation regarding the use of AI in various application domains, and how AI governance, policy, training, and tooling can aid in preparing organizations for compliant and ethical decision making regarding the use of AI.

Senior Researcher at University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
As a researcher at the HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, I work within the research programme "Responsible Applied Artificial Intelligence". Within this research program we aim to uncover evidence-based best practices towards responsible AI practices in the real world. I'm also involved in writing grant proposals, and supervising PD- and PhD-candidates.

Human-Robot-Teaming Advisor at Asimovo

At Asimovo, I worked on the mid- and long-term vision for their product, focusing mostly on recent and future developments in the area of intelligent interactive robotics.

Responsible AI at Xomnia

At Xomnia, between February 2020 and September 2021, I worked on the outline of a novel proposition regarding the responsible use and application of AI. I started the monthly Responsible AI webinar covering various topics related to, for example, fair and transparent AI models. In addition, I co-authored two new training courses regarding Reponsible AI:
1) Responsible AI for people working in business teams, and
2) Responsible AI for people working in data science & engineering teams.

I worked as a tech lead, project lead, and advisor on various projects for clients such as the City of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Enexis, and Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport.

Human-Agent-Robot-Teaming at TNO

While working at TNO, from January 2017 and December 2019, I was project leader for several research projects on topics relevant to human-AI teaming. I was a co-author of various roadmaps and internal strategic documents on the topic, one of the founders of the Human-AI-Robot Teaming Lab in Soesterberg, and one of the co-authors for the FATE flagship project as part of TNO’s APPL.AI program (currently supported by the NLAIC).

Core Team Member of 4TU.Humans&Technology

Between May 2015 and December 2016, I was a member of the core team of the (4TU.H&T) research centre. 4TU.H&T is part of the 4TU federation, and consists of research groups from the three technical universities in the Netherlands (Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente, and Wageningen University). I was jointly responsible for constructing and executing the yearly plan consisting of the main goals and activities to be carried out by the research centre. I was also the Delft-based project leader of the research programme ‘Smart Social Spaces and Systems (S4) for Living Well’, which I co-authored.

Committee Memberships and Organization

2024: Organizer of the Responsible Applied AI workshop during HHAI '24
2023: Organizer of the Responsible Applied AI workshop during ECAI '23
2016: Organizer Seminars for PhDs (4TU.H&T)
2016: Organizer Symposium on Supportive Technology for People with Dementia (4TU.H&T)
2016: Organizer Workshop on Human-Agent Experience Sharing (4TU.H&T)
2016: Sponsoring & Exhibits Chair at INTETAIN conference
2015: Organizer 4TU.H&T PhD Autumn School
2015: Poster&Demo Chair at Intelligent Virtual Agents conference



2024 - present: 
Anita Boerema, PD-candidate, Hogeschool Utrecht, "Responsible Applied AI in Organisations"

Jelmer Hilhorst, BSc graduation project, ICT, Hogeschool Utrecht, "Explainable AI to build trust in a Decision Support tool for Social Media Creators using LLMs", graduated 2024.

Mike Ebbe, MSc graduation project, Human-centered AI, Hogeschool Utrecht, "Examining the Impact of an Interactive Interface on Gender Diversity in Image Generation Models", graduated 2024.

Ismini Psychoula, MSc graduation project, Media and Knowledge Engineering, Delft University of Technology, “A robotic ePartner for people with dementia and their professional caregivers”, graduated November 2016.

: Tom Kouwenhoven, Honours program Bachelor’s project, Lifestyle Informatics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, shared supervision with Dr. Tibor Bosse, “Flexible human-agent dialogues for social training with the use of BDI-models”, completed.

: Christian van Rooij, MSc graduation project, Technical Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht University, “An agent-based learner model” (component of personalized educational game), graduated February 2014.

: Ruben de Jong, MSc internship, Cognitive Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht University, “Implementation of a multi-agent system to control”(architecture of personalized educational game), graduated October 2014.

2012/2013: Pauline Hovers, MSc graduation project, Human Centered Multimedia, University of Amsterdam, “An authoring interface for instructors” (component of personalized educational game), graduated September 2013.

: Gwen Ferdinandus, MSc graduation project, Technical Artificial Intelligence, Utrecht University, “Automated scenario generation”, (component of personalized educational game), graduated November 2012.

Lecturer/teaching assistant

2012/2013, 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016:
Intelligent User Experience Engineering, coordinator of the practical assignment & co-lecturer, Delft University of Technology (Media and Knowledge Engineering Master).

2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013: 
Logic for AI Utrecht University, Artificial Intelligence, Bachelor

2007/2008, 2008/2009
: Methods, techniques, and statistics Part 1&2, Utrecht University, Social Sciences Bachelor, and Psychology Bachelor

: Processing Research Results I, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management Bachelor

Statistics I, Maastricht University, Psychology Bachelor


In the media

I was a panelist at the Fraude Film Festival 2023 during the "My Old School" discussion. We discussed how AI affects the possibilities for people to commit fraud, as well as what possibilities it enables to prevent or detect fraud. We also discussed the potential risks of using AI for innocent people, and the "right to make mistakes", without immediately being classified as fraudulent (how to distinguish between true positives and false positives), and how to ensure that the absence of detecting false negatives does not send you into a dead-end street.

During Podium Royal, together with Roel Bemelmans and Hendrik Drachsler, I was part of a panel discussion about how AI is gradually changing society, opening up possibilities, and introducing new risks. (Link to review)

Rijk Mercuur, Coert van Gemeren and myself appeared as a guest in the podcast "AI voor Moraalridders", which is available on your favourite podcast app. (Link to Spotify)

‍Together with Maarten Stolk (Deeploy), Martin van den Berg (HU), and Sjoerd Slot (Sygno), I was a guest in the webinar hosted by ROM Utrecht. To be viewed here.

‍Dries dePoorter, Jim Stolze and myself spoke about AI in the Future Stories webinar, organized by the Bibliotheek Zeeland. Watch it back here.

‍Jimmy de Vreede interviewed me for the DDMA podcast series "Shaping the Future", about AI and Data-driven Marketing. Watch it back here.

Invited talks

How can I help? A talk about human-AI collaboration (2023). Talk provided at Ordina in June 2023.The Artificial Agile Coach - How will AI affect the job of the Agile Coach? (2023). Talk provided for AgilityMasters in June 2023.

Hoe kan ik je helpen? Over mens-AI samenwerking, AI governance, en verantwoorde AI (2023). Talk provided during "De Master Spreekt" event organized by the HU University of Applied Sciences in April 2023.

How can I help? A talk about human-AI collaboration (2023). Talk provided during the Arch9 event in March 2023.

Responsible Applied AI - Why it Matters to Ladies that UX (2023). Talk provided at the Ladies that UX event in January 2023.

Responsible Applied AI in Practice (2022). Talk provided during the Responsible AI Meetup organised by Deeploy in October 2022.

Applied Responsible AI in government and business organizations (2022). Talk provided at SIKS for PhD students as part of Ethics and AI course.

De noodzaak en de uitdaging van mens-AI samenwerking voor verantwoorde inzet van toegepaste AI (2022). Presentation at retirement event for former colleague at TNO.

User-centred data science (2021), Xpert session at Xomnia.

Master class Human-Aware AI and Human-Machine Teaming (2018). Invited talk during master class provided by TNO and TU Delft.

Supportive technology for people with dementia (2016). Invited talks during Pieter van Foreest care facilities’ information event for employees.

Responsible design of cognitive agents and robots (2015). Guest lecture at Radboud University Nijmegen, during the Master Course “Trends in AI”.

Learning support (2015). Guest lecture during IUXE course at Delft University of Technology.

Military Robots and Ethics (2015). Guest lecture at Radboud University Nijmegen, during the Master Course “Human-Robot Interaction”.

Design evaluation and methods (2015). Guest lecture during IUXE course at Delft University of Technology.

Ontology Engineering (2015). Guest lecture during IUXE course at Delft University of Technology.

Military Robots and Ethics (2015). Presentation and panel discussion for Tilburg Student Association Plato – symposium on Robots in Society.

Research Methods for IKS  – Situated Cognitive Engineering for PEGs (2014). Presentation at the PhD student course “Research Methods and Methodology for IKS”, organized by the Netherlands research school for Information and Knowledge Systems (SIKS).

Personalized Educational Games (2014). Final project presentation for the TPI seminar at TNO Soesterberg.

Learning and instruction in IUXE design (2014). Guest lecture during IUXE course at Delft University of Technology.

Personalized Educational Games (2014). Final project presentation for the II seminar at Delft University of Technology.

Personalized Educational Games (2014). Final project presentation for the ISIS seminar at Utrecht University.

Ontology Engineering (2014). Guest lecture during IUXE course at Delft University of Technology.

Situated Cognitive Engineering for Adaptive Educational Games – A training tool for trainees and instructors (2013). Project presentation at TNO.

Situated Cognitive Engineering for Adaptive Educational Games (2013). Guest lecture during IUXE course at TUDelft.

Automatische regie tijdens scenario-gebaseerde training (2012). Project presentation for military instructors.

Adaptivity in serious games – Guiding the trainee to optimize learning (2012). Project presentation for the ISIS seminar at Utrecht University.

Scientific publications

For a full overview of all my publications, I kindly refer to my Google Scholar Profile


MATRX - Accelerating human-agent teaming research together

At TNO we developed a research platform for human-agent-robot-teaming, providing 2D easy-to-program simulation for human-agent interaction scenarios. The field of human-agent teaming (HAT) research aims to improve the collaboration between humans and systems. Small tasks are often designed to explore and evaluate research in human experiments. MATRX aims to remedy the lack of a team task library for HAT research, by providing a suite of team tasks with one or multiple properties important to HAT research (e.g. varying team size, decision speed or inter-team dependencies). In addition to the prefab tasks, MATRX facilitates the rapid development of new team tasks. Check it out here.

NWO personal grant application template (LaTeX)

For anyone interested in using a LaTeX template instead of a Word template for writing their grant applications to NWO,  I adapted this template by Mark van der Sluys, resulting in a new and updated version of the template. I recommend adapting the LaTeX template to ensure it matches the Word template provided by NWO for your current grant application. Compile the main file: NWO_template.tex. The other files are: the six sections of the template that serve as input to the main file, the bibliography (a BiBTeX file), and a class file containing all the layout specifications.

PhD thesis template (LaTeX)

For anyone struggling to write their PhD thesis using LaTeX, I am sharing my template, free to use, Thesis template (LaTeX). The template is compiled by the main file: main-thesis.tex. The other source files are the sections that serve as input to the main file, the bibliography (a BiBTeX file), and a class file containing all the layout specifications. I added comments in the LaTeX documents to explain the details.

INDIGO Ontology for scenario-based training

INDIGO:  Integration of Didactics in Games Ontology (implemented in Protege Frames by M.M.M. Peeters and G.R. Ferdinandus)

Confluence constructor

Confluence Constructor is a java implementation of Vincent van Oostrom’s constructive proof of modularity of confluence in term rewriting systems. It constructs the common reduct for any two diverging sequences of steps in any orthogonal or WCR & SN term rewriting system and modular combinations of these (implemented in Java by M.M.M. Peeters) (source code)

The multi-agent director system for Personalized Educational Games

Multi-agent Director System
: a multi-agent system that is able to provide adaptivity in a personalized educational game for scenario-based training (implemented in 2APL by R. de Jong and C.C.M. van Rooij). This download includes the 2apl program, developed at Utrecht University (for more information about 2APL, contact Mehdi Dastani).

The scenario generator for Personalized Educational Games

Scenario Generator: constructs scenario constraints for a personalized educational agent-based game (implemented in Java and Protege Frames by G.R. Ferdinandus, full description here) Adaptivity in serious games – Guiding the trainee to optimize learning (2012). Project presentation for the ISIS seminar at Utrecht University.
